Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Stuck Being Sick

Since I'm stuck with sucky docs who know nothing about being an actual doc, I was stuck at home for about two weeks. Can you imagine?
Guess why their bad?
You see I went to 3 docs, the first 2 agreed on the other treatment but the treatment didn't work at all. I really thought I was sick, I thought I was dying slowly and painfully. Untill I went to the 3rd doc who's a guy btw, the first 2 were women, the point is he told me to stop the medication they gave me and he just gave me 2 tablets and a cough syrup and today is the second day I use his medications and I'm feeling better already.

These days anyone can be a doc. I wish we'd get one of the docs on Grey's Anatomy! <3

Ta ta for now,
The Girl

PS. The Tagboard on the left is for you guys to post your comments and whatever's on your mind. ;)